Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities?

The role of developing countries in the global economy via embeddedness in Global Value Chains (GVCs) is increasing, but their ability to become innovation leaders is less certain. Together with Roberta Rabellotti and Elisa Giuliani we published an article in which we analysed the extant literature identifying three dominant types of innovators within the GVC – who display various levels of innovativeness and use different learning mechanisms and investigate the opportunities for local development in developing countries.

More info at: De Marchi V., Giuliani E., Rabellotti R. (2017) ‘Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities?’, The European Journal of Development Research.

Here the link at the post on the LSE Global Investments & Local Development blog:

New book: local clusters in Global Value Chains

Drawing on detailed studies of different industries and countries, the book Local Clusters in Global Value Chains. Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation, co-edited with Eleonora Di Maria and Gary Gereffi for Routledge discusses how clusters are evolving differently in GVCs, given the international fragmentation of economic activities and the increasing competitive pressure to small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) agglomerated in economic clusters because of the consolidation of GVCs ruled by global lead firms.

The book explores the tension between place-based variables and global drivers of change, and the possibility for territories containing such clusters to prosper in the new global scenario considering for the role of key – local and global – actors active in the industrial districts and the innovation and manufacturing capabilities characterising it, being of potential interest for both scholars and policy makers.

Below the Table of content and attached the flyer of presentation of the book with the dedicated discount code! 😉

More info at:


Edited by Valentina De Marchi, Eleonora Di Maria, Gary Gereffi in Routledge Studies in Global Competition (2018)


Chapter 1. Industrial Districts, Clusters and Global Value Chains: Toward an Integrated Framework,  by Valentina De Marchi, Eleonora Di Maria, and Gary Gereffi

Part I –Co-evolution of clusters and GVC

Chapter 2. Italian Industrial Districts Today: Between Decline and Openness to Global Value Chains, by Elisa Giuliani and Roberta Rabellotti

Chapter 3. Evolutionary Trajectories of Industrial Districts in Global Value Chains, by Valentina De Marchi, Gary Gereffi and Roberto Grandinetti

Chapter 4. Clusters, Industrial Districts and the Impact of Their Growing Intersection with Global Value Chains, by Mario Davide Parrilli and Jiří Blažek

Part II –The role of lead firms in GVCs and clusters

Chapter 5. MNEs and clusters: the creation of place-anchored value chains, by Fiorenza Belussi, Annalisa Caloffi and Silvia Rita Sedita

Chapter 6. The Global Value Chain and the Role of MNEs in Local Production Systems, by Mariachiara Barzotto, Giancarlo Corò and Mario Volpe

Chapter 7. Knowledge, systemic contribution and brokerage in industrial clusters, by Francesc Xavier Molina-Morales, Luis Martínez-Cháfer and José A. Belso-Martínez

Chapter 8. Local liabilities between immigrant and native entrepreneurship in clusters and global value chains, by Simone Guercini

Part III –Value chain activities: rethinking the role of manufacturing and innovation

Chapter 9. Manufacturing where art thou? Value chain organization and cluster-firms strategies between local and global, by Marco Bettiol, Maria Chiarvesio, Eleonora Di Maria and Stefano Micelli

Chapter 10. Networks of clusters within GVC: the case of the European ceramic tile districts in Spain and Italy, by Jose Luis Hervas-Oliver and Mario Davide Parrilli

Chapter 11. The role of manufacturing within industrial districts: proposing and testing an innovative methodology, by Ruggero Golini and Albachiara Boffelli

Chapter 12. New frontiers for competitiveness and growth in clusters and chains research, byValentina De Marchi, Eleonora Di Maria and Gary Gereffi

Workshop ‘Evolving industrial districts within Global Value Chains’

The 7th of April, in Padova we will discuss about how the global dimension is compatible with sub regional contexts for value creation at the Workshop ‘Evolving industrial districts within Global Value Chains’, which I co-organized together with Gary Gereffi (Duke U.).

Have a look at the agenda and the key themes discussed at the page: