Evolving clusters at the I Workshop d’economia Valenciana

On November 4th, 2016, I got the pleasure to present my research in progress on the evolutionary trajectories of Italian industrial districts in Global Value Chains during a Keynote at the I workshop d’economia Valencia (www.econval.org). You can find the presentation in slideshare by clicking here.



How innovative are (Italian) regions?

Today the paper “Regional Innovation Systems or Innovative regions? Evidence from Italy“, which I co-authored with Roberto Grandinetti has been released by Tijdschrift.

In this article we delve into the discussion of what drives the innovativeness of regions, studying the performance of all Italian regions via the perspective of the RIS (regional innovation systems) literature.

The analysis on 2008 CIS data, reveals a new geography of innovation in the country as compared to results emerging from studies on the 1990s, suggesting a high dynamism in innovation capabilities of Italian regions. Four clusters of regions are identified, but none of them can be described as a true RIS: the most innovative ones (Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardia, Piemonte) lack ‘systemicness’ and those that come closest to the RIS model (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Trentino Alto Adige, Basilicata) have not the best innovative performance.

Wine industrial districts in glocal value chains

Why are some districts well on the road to decline, while others have succeeded in evolving and reproducing the district form? In this paper, we seek an answer to this question by studying Italian wine clusters, supporting that the global value analysis perspective is useful in order to see where Italian industrial districts are heading and suggesting the powerful role of “communications machines” played by non-manufacturing intermediaries within what could be named glocal value chains.



Workshop ‘Evolving industrial districts within Global Value Chains’

The 7th of April, in Padova we will discuss about how the global dimension is compatible with sub regional contexts for value creation at the Workshop ‘Evolving industrial districts within Global Value Chains’, which I co-organized together with Gary Gereffi (Duke U.).

Have a look at the agenda and the key themes discussed at the page: http://www.economia.unipd.it/evolving-ids-within-global-and-regional-vcs

Implementare comunicazione e reti di fornitura green per le PMI

Che strategie possono implementare le PMI per coniugare una produzione sostenibile e un ritorno di mercato? Quale il ruolo delle relazioni di fornitura e l’importanza di comunicarlo in modo efficace?

Ne parlo con Eleonora di Maria nella rivista Mercati e Competitività con l’articolo “Eco-innovazione, relazioni di fornitura e implicazioni per la comunicazione nelle piccole imprese: un focus sulla moda italiana” a partire dall’esperienza di tre start-up della moda italiana: Ecogeco, Ragioniamo con i Piedi e Re-bello.

Certificazioni ambientali, CSR, GPP a Ecomondo

Martedì 3 Novembre sarò ad Ecomondo, all’interessante convegno “Le certificazioni ambientali per la responsabilità aziendale (CSR) e per gli acquisti pubblici verdi (GPP)” organizzato da FSC Italia, Eco-print, Vireo Srl in cui si discuterà delle varie certificazioni ambientali disponibili e del loro potenziale impatto in termini economici ed ambientali, con uno sguardo privilegiato al loro ruolo per il comparto pubblico attraverso il Green Public Procurement.



The peculiar resources for environmental innovation

Giulio Cainelli, Roberto Grandinetti and I just got a paper published on J of Cleaner Production, in which we provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the specific role of – internal, external and hybrid – resources in the environmental innovation development based on data on Spanish manufacturing firms.

Any comment and feedback are very welcomed!

Local innovation in developing countries via GVC participation

Have a look at the UNU MERIT Working Paper 2015-022, which I prepared with Elisa Giuliani and Roberta Rabellotti as background papers for the UNIDO, Industrial Development Report 2016: IDR 2016 WP 1.

By the mean of a literature review, we analyze local innovation capabilities in developing countries (firms and cluster) in relation to GVC participation, identifying three typologies depending on the engagement to GVCs: i) GVC-led Innovators, ii) Independent Innovators and weak Innovators.

Which knowledge strategies for environmental innovations?

In the paper “Knowledge strategies for environmental innovations: the case of Italian manufacturing firms“, that I co-authored with Roberto Grandinetti and is earlycite in Journal of Knowledge Management, we analyze how green innovators address the knowledge needs emerging when initiating a sustainability path considering for the different importance that sustainability may have for firms.

How do green firms go international?

In the paper ” Environmental innovations and internationalization: theory and practice” written with Marina Chiarvesio and Eleonora di Maria we investigate the specificities of international upstream and downstream strategies of green firms vs. other innovative firms. Thanks to a unique dataset, we open the black box of difference in export destinations (developed vs. developing) and of other forms of internationalisation never studied in the literature so far, such as FDI.