The future of Global Supply Chains in a Post-COVID-19 World

In a recent California Management Review article we review what impact we shall expect COVID19 will have on Global Value Chains on how to interpret the transformations that are taking place. Here the incipit of the LSE Blog that discuss on it.

Far from uprooting the system, Covid-19 is bringing in a renaissance period which will result in transformed, and in some areas stronger, value chains which will deepen the roots of globalisation.


The relentless onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic has stressed our social and economic institutions in an unprecedently profound and pervasive manner. Who would have thought in the BC (Before COVID) era that globalisation, the core tenet of modern economic structures, would come under such intense scrutiny? Who would have thought that global value chains, which have enabled products made thousands of miles apart flow without interruption to consumers, would come to be viewed as a serious threat to human well-being?

To be sure, concerns about globalisation and global value chains are as old as the phenomena themselves, but these concerns had generally remained confined to the intellectual sphere with occasional seepages into political campaigns. The onset of COVID-19 steeply scaled up the anti-globalisation rhetoric and brought it in the public sphere. Calls for rethinking how countries should organise global value chains to reduce heavy reliance on foreign suppliers became all too common. Some commentators even hastened to write obituaries of global value chains. But are phenomena such as empty toilet paper shelves evidence of globalisation being wiped out?

Our answer to this question is an unequivocal ’No’, though in the same breath we add that globalisation will not be the same in the post-COVID era. Some – nontrivial – changes in global value chains are imminent. As a broad statement, we think that robustness, resilience, and social justice will be three critical pillars of global value chains in the future. Overall, we envision that COVID-19 will result in transformed – and perhaps even stronger – value chains, which will deepen the roots of globalisation rather than uproot it. “

Read the full text of the LSE blog article here:

What do we know about Global Value Chains?

In the recent years, Global Value Chains became a widely adopted framework by academics and practitioners – providing theoretical concepts and analytical tools to understand and assess patterns of value creation in view of the new international division of labour.

This article offers a comprehensive and systematic review of the literature on GVCs, describing the evolution over time of GVC studies along the four key dimensions of the GVC framework: geographical and industrial scope, governance, upgrading, and institutional context. Additionally it offers insights into how the GVC literature can support the International Business literature, highlighting point of contacts and avenues for future research.

For more info: V De Marchi, E Di Maria, R Golini, A Perri (2020) Nurturing international business research through global value chains literature: A review and discussion of future research opportunities, International Business Review

Do knowledge-intensive business services innovate differently?

This paper contributes to the debate on the differences across service and manufacturing firms focusing on two comparable sectors: knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS), and specialized manufacturing suppliers (SSM) and looking at what drives their innovation performance.

Our findings show that the impact of R&D is comparable in the two sectors, whereas cooperation with customers is more important for SSM than for KIBS because the latter are rather more reliant on a larger network of partners (especially knowledge providers). For both sectors, the role of cooperation vanishes when performance is measured in terms of the proportion of sales generated by innovation rather than propensity for innovation.

For more info: Cainelli G., De Marchi V. & Grandinetti R.(2020) Do knowledge-intensive business services innovate differently?, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 29:1, 48-65

📽 Video Abstract

Which governance structures drive economic, environmental, and social upgrading?

The concept of upgrading has been used extensively for the last twenty years, to capture the possibility for firms, regions, countries to learn, grow and move toward higher value-added activities thanks to being embedded into Global Value Chains. One of the key finding emerging from this literature is that the extent of such upgrading depends on the nature of relationships with the lead firms (governance). Whereas the literature to date has explored these issues via qualitative approaches, this paper explores the effect that different forms of governance with suppliers and customers have on economic (product, process, functional), environmental and social upgrading based on an analysis of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS) data. The results show that participating to GVCs supports only some forms of upgrading and only under specific governance structures.

For more info: Golini, R., De Marchi, V., Boffelli, A., & Kalchschmidt, M. (2018). Which governance structures drive economic, environmental, and social upgrading? A quantitative analysis in the assembly industries. International Journal of Production Economics, 203, 13-23.

Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities?

The role of developing countries in the global economy via embeddedness in Global Value Chains (GVCs) is increasing, but their ability to become innovation leaders is less certain. Together with Roberta Rabellotti and Elisa Giuliani we published an article in which we analysed the extant literature identifying three dominant types of innovators within the GVC – who display various levels of innovativeness and use different learning mechanisms and investigate the opportunities for local development in developing countries.

More info at: De Marchi V., Giuliani E., Rabellotti R. (2017) ‘Do Global Value Chains Offer Developing Countries Learning and Innovation Opportunities?’, The European Journal of Development Research.

Here the link at the post on the LSE Global Investments & Local Development blog:

New book: local clusters in Global Value Chains

Drawing on detailed studies of different industries and countries, the book Local Clusters in Global Value Chains. Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation, co-edited with Eleonora Di Maria and Gary Gereffi for Routledge discusses how clusters are evolving differently in GVCs, given the international fragmentation of economic activities and the increasing competitive pressure to small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) agglomerated in economic clusters because of the consolidation of GVCs ruled by global lead firms.

The book explores the tension between place-based variables and global drivers of change, and the possibility for territories containing such clusters to prosper in the new global scenario considering for the role of key – local and global – actors active in the industrial districts and the innovation and manufacturing capabilities characterising it, being of potential interest for both scholars and policy makers.

Below the Table of content and attached the flyer of presentation of the book with the dedicated discount code! 😉

More info at:


Edited by Valentina De Marchi, Eleonora Di Maria, Gary Gereffi in Routledge Studies in Global Competition (2018)


Chapter 1. Industrial Districts, Clusters and Global Value Chains: Toward an Integrated Framework,  by Valentina De Marchi, Eleonora Di Maria, and Gary Gereffi

Part I –Co-evolution of clusters and GVC

Chapter 2. Italian Industrial Districts Today: Between Decline and Openness to Global Value Chains, by Elisa Giuliani and Roberta Rabellotti

Chapter 3. Evolutionary Trajectories of Industrial Districts in Global Value Chains, by Valentina De Marchi, Gary Gereffi and Roberto Grandinetti

Chapter 4. Clusters, Industrial Districts and the Impact of Their Growing Intersection with Global Value Chains, by Mario Davide Parrilli and Jiří Blažek

Part II –The role of lead firms in GVCs and clusters

Chapter 5. MNEs and clusters: the creation of place-anchored value chains, by Fiorenza Belussi, Annalisa Caloffi and Silvia Rita Sedita

Chapter 6. The Global Value Chain and the Role of MNEs in Local Production Systems, by Mariachiara Barzotto, Giancarlo Corò and Mario Volpe

Chapter 7. Knowledge, systemic contribution and brokerage in industrial clusters, by Francesc Xavier Molina-Morales, Luis Martínez-Cháfer and José A. Belso-Martínez

Chapter 8. Local liabilities between immigrant and native entrepreneurship in clusters and global value chains, by Simone Guercini

Part III –Value chain activities: rethinking the role of manufacturing and innovation

Chapter 9. Manufacturing where art thou? Value chain organization and cluster-firms strategies between local and global, by Marco Bettiol, Maria Chiarvesio, Eleonora Di Maria and Stefano Micelli

Chapter 10. Networks of clusters within GVC: the case of the European ceramic tile districts in Spain and Italy, by Jose Luis Hervas-Oliver and Mario Davide Parrilli

Chapter 11. The role of manufacturing within industrial districts: proposing and testing an innovative methodology, by Ruggero Golini and Albachiara Boffelli

Chapter 12. New frontiers for competitiveness and growth in clusters and chains research, byValentina De Marchi, Eleonora Di Maria and Gary Gereffi

When the lead firm driving sustainability is from a developing country

Online the book chapter “Social Entrepreneurship and Upgrading in Emerging Economies: The Indian Case of Industree and Its Brand Mother Earth”

If we have been used to think to sustainability as leaded by developed countries’ firms, with this case we aim at keeping the discussion going on the increasing role of developing countries firms – rising powers – not just from an economic standpoint but also from a sustainability one. Indeed, we describe how the company successfully managed to implement a socially (and to a lesser extent environmentally) sustainable supply chain, supporting the upgrading of their local suppliers, mostly poor artisans living in the countryside.

More info at: Bettiol M., De Marchi V., Di Maria E. (2018) Social Entrepreneurship and Upgrading in Emerging Economies: The Indian Case of Industree and Its Brand Mother Earth. In: Leal-Millan A., Peris-Ortiz M., Leal-Rodríguez A. (eds) Sustainability in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management. Springer, Cham

Nuovi processi sostenibili concia: che impatti economici e sociali?

Nel distretto di Arzignano (VI) della pelle sono stati sviluppate innovazioni di processo per ridurre utilizzo di acqua e prodotti chimici del 20% rispetto a processo conciario tradizionale, che è altamente inquinante.

Quali saranno gli impatti economici e sociali di tali nuovi processi, sviluppati all’interno del progetto europeo GreenLIFE se fossero implementati a pieno regime? Insieme ad Eleonora di Maria abbiamo svolto un’analisi degli impatti. Qui le slide dell’estratto di tale rapporto presentato a Montorso Vicentino martedì 9/5/17: (

Quanto si innova in Veneto?

I dati europei raccontano di un Veneto solo moderatamente innovatore. Eppure conosciamo molte imprese nel territorio riconosciute a livello internazionale per la loro capacità di introdurre nuovi prodotti o processi spesso radicali.

Come spiegare questo paradosso? Ce lo siamo chiesti insieme a Roberta Apa, Silvia Sedita e Roberto Grandinetti, svolgendo un’analisi che ci ha portato a descrivere una ‘Via Veneto’ all’innovazione, con meno ricerca e sviluppo formalizzata, ma più diffusa e aperta alle collaborazioni con università e altri soggetti esterni.

Qui l’infografica che descrive i principali risultati, presentati anche al Galileo Festival dell’Innovazione.

Per maggiori info: Apa R., De marchi V., Grandinetti R., Sedita S.R. (2016), Oltre la visione tecnocratica dell’innovazione: i risultati di una ricerca sulle piccolo-medie imprese, Economia e Società Regionale, 3 DOI: 10.3280/ES2016-003007

Infografica su innovazione PMI Veneto – ricerca 2016 – de marchi

Environmental policy vs. environmental strategies: the impact on offshoring decision

The effectiveness of policy pressure in engendering firms’ better environmental performance is a hot issue on the current policy agenda, but the chance for firms to relocate their activities where environmental regulations are less stringent may undermine the effectiveness of the policy instruments designed to reduce polluting emissions. By investigating policy-related and strategy-related elements on Italian manufacturing firms, in the paper ‘Governing offshoring in a stringent environmental policy setting: Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms. Journal of Cleaner Production we suggest that offshoring decisions relate more to a firm’s self-imposed pressure to reduce its environmental impact by means of an appropriate environmental sustainability strategy and on its overall market and ICT strategy rather then by policy stringency. This is especially true when it comes to FDI (as respect to international outsourcing). Furthermore, such a conclusion holds when considering offshoring decision in developing countries as well, even if in here policy stringency plays a slightly larger role.